Lynette Leighton, MD (She/Her)

About Lynette

Lynette Leighton, MD started at CommuniCare+OLE in 2012. She received her Medical Doctorate from the University of California in Davis (UCD), California in 2006. She underwent her residency training at University of California in San Francisco (UCSF) and completed her fellowship in Reproductive Health at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City. Prior to coming to CommuniCare+OLE, Dr. Leighton was on faculty at UCSF, teaching Family and Community Medicine Residents.

My approach to care

My approach to patient care includes a focus on breaking down barriers to excellent care for my patients. As a medical director, I work on this care for patients as a population and individually.

Why I went into healthcare

I decided to become a medical doctor when I was working as a physical therapist at a camp for Burmese refugees in Thailand. I was inspired by a doctor there named Dr. Cynthia, who was committed to providing the best possible care to a population of people with little resources. Since becoming a doctor, I have only worked in Community Clinics, where resources are limited. I try to channel Dr. Cynthia’s commitment and compassion in my work here in California.

Something you might not know about me

I become a river raft guide to overcome my fear of rapidly moving water, and on my first trip as the guide, I fell out and ran the rapid under the boat.

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