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November is American Diabetes Month – Lower the Risks of Diabetes During Pregnancy

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For people with diabetes, the period of time before and during pregnancy are very important opportunities to take care of themselves and prevent health problems for their children. It takes several years for a non-pregnant adult to develop serious life-threatening complications from uncontrolled diabetes, but unborn babies can develop serious health problems before their parents even know they are pregnant. For example, heart defects from uncontrolled diabetes can happen during the first trimester which is why we help people with diabetes control their blood sugars while they are planning pregnancy and as soon as they find out they will be parents. A person with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes can reduce their children’s risk of complications to the same level as non-diabetics by controlling their blood sugar before and during pregnancy. The goal is to have a Hemoglobin A1c level as close to normal as possible, or less than 7% before becoming pregnant.

In addition to heart defects, there are many other risks of uncontrolled diabetes during pregnancy. That’s why the CommuniCare Perinatal Services Program works with families as a team to empower and assist them to make positive changes in their health. If you think it is difficult to watch your diet when you aren’t pregnant, imagine how challenging it is during pregnancy with the nausea, heartburn and food cravings that come along with it!

CommuniCare’s Perinatal Services Program is a Sweet Success affiliate of the California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program, using state of the art diabetic treatments and education to help the families we work with protect their babies. Since 2006, we have worked with more than 1,300 women with either diabetes or gestational diabetes in pregnancy. We created our own Gestational Diabetes booklets, which are available online in both English and Spanish. If you have diabetes and wish to become pregnant, or have diabetes in pregnancy, let us know how we can help by calling our Perinatal clinics coordinators:

In Davis call: 530-204-5317
In Woodland call: 530-405-2808
In West Sacramento call: 916-403-2909

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