Care for Families & Youth in Yolo
CommuniCare+OLE’s Family & Youth Services team specializes in a compassionate, trauma-informed approach to care. Youth services are offered in the health center, in the home, at the Yolo County Juvenile Detention Facility, at select schools, and other sites within our community.
We use numerous therapeutic models to treat your unique needs, such as Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Parent-Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT), EMDR, art therapy, play therapy, and more.
Family/Youth Services
- Preventive health screening, diagnostics, and treatment for youth up to age 21 enrolled in Medi-Cal
- Individual, family, and child therapy, including Wraparound Services, a program to prevent or reduce out-of-home placements and develop problem-solving skills, coping skills, and self-efficacy for clients referred by Yolo County Child Welfare or Probation Department
- Elevate Queer Yolo — Peer Advocacy and case management support for Two Spirit/LGBTQ+ ages 12–26
- K–12 school counseling — Referrals made by schools within the Davis Joint Unified School District and Cesar Chavez High School
- Woodland Community College school counseling — Counseling and primary care services for enrolled students
- Specialty mental health (EPSDT) — Services for youth up to 20 years old (Medi-Cal recipients)
- Parent-Child Interaction Therapy — For children seven and under (Medi-Cal recipients)
- Substance Use Disorder Treatment
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