Prenatal and Postpartum family medical care at Vida Family Health Center in West Sacramento
CommuniCare+OLE provides personalized prenatal care at our Vida Family Health Center in West Sacramento from a dedicated family physician that works with you throughout your pregnancy. Your doctor will be with you every step of the way, including in the delivery room and postpartum. They can also provide newborn and well-child care for the new addition to your family.
When you get prenatal care at CommuniCare+OLE, you will have access to:
- Pregnancy nutrition and exercise counseling and plans
- Stress management
- Breastfeeding support
- Substance use counseling and treatment
- Postpartum healing, screening for depression, birth control options
- Connection with community programs (WIC, CalFresh, hospital classes)
- Newborn and well-child care
- Delivery at UC Davis Health in Sacramento
To request an appointment, call:
Vida Family Health Center (West Sacramento)
916.914.2650 – Perinatal & Women’s Health
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