

Health In Action – Yolo County Community Health Needs Assessment

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This is HealthInAction! On February 18, 2020 a diverse set stakeholders from Yolo County joined together this morning to highlight the outstanding collaboration that has taken place over the last two years in order to complete the Yolo County Community Health Assessment. Our very own, Evan Priestley, Director of Health Promotion and Wellness, who also serves as Chair of the Yolo County Health Council, gave remarks alongside elected officials, County officials & local hospital leadership.

The Davis Enterprise also released a publication highlighting the findings. “The collaborative Community Health Needs Assessment process gave visibility and voice to some of the most vulnerable people in our community,” said Evan Priestley, Director of Health Wellness and Promotion at CommuniCare. “Inviting safety-net organizations to the table demonstrates commitment to capture the experiences of everyone in the community.”

Press Article: https://www.davisenterprise.com/local-news/access-to-mental-health-and-addiction-care-tops-county-health-needs/

2019 CHNA Needs     Public Official Presenters from HealthInAction Event     CommuniCare Team

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