
Remembering Victims in Orlando

Update 6/21
After the tragic events in Orlando, the Napa community gathered to show support, to express grief, and come together as a community. Read the Napa Valley Register article.

Dear community,

As many of you know, there was a mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, targeting a Latino night at Pulse gay night club. In painful times, it is good for us to come together to heal and take action. LGBTQ Connection will be hosting two community gatherings (one in Napa, CA on Tuesday and one in Santa Rosa on Friday as part of our regularly held youth space) in response to this horrific violence.

Please join us.

We also have gathered some of our favorite helpful healing resources and further information related to the shooting. See below.
Como muchos de Uds. ya saben, hubo un tiroteo en Orlando, Florida, enfocado un una noche Latino en un antro gay. En tiempos de dolor, es bueno reunirnos para sanar y tomar acción. LGBTQ Connection está organizando dos reuniones comunitarias (una en Napa, CA el martes y una en Santa Rosa, CA el viernes) para responder a esa violencia terrible. Están invitados.
También, les ofrecemos unos de nuestros favoritos recursos de curación y más información acerca del tema del tiroteo. Ve abajo.

Napa, Tuesday, June 14, 6:00-7:30p @ 780 Lincoln Ave 


Santa Rosa, Friday, 4:30-6p @ 714 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa,


Resources / Recursos:

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