
Advanced Care Directive Clinic

Advanced Care Directive Clinic
Sus deseos por adelantado sobre su salud

June 17, 2016
8:00 am – 12:00 pm

OLE Health
Shafer Room
1141 Pear Tree Lane
Napa, Ca. 94558

Who should have one?
¿Quien debe tenerlo?

  • Anyone aged 18 or older
    Cualquier persona de 18 años o mayor
  • Anyone with an interest in completing an Advanced Health Care Directive
    Cualquier persona interesada sobre cómo poner sus deseos de salud por escrito.

Advance care planning affords patients the opportunity to exercise their right to make determinations regarding their medical care in advance in the event they become incapable of active participation in health care decisions. The process provides individuals with the opportunity to determine their goals regarding health and medical treatment based on personal values, attitudes, and beliefs surrounding health care, illness, and death. It also enables individuals to communicate their wishes to their primary care physician, their proxy, and loved ones. As a result of this process, if a patient becomes incapacitated, parties involved in the patient’s care should have a common understanding of the patient’s health care wishes and what the patient would have wanted. (American Medical Association)

Reserve your seat by calling:
Reserve su lugar llamando:

Eli Rubio
707-254-1774 EXT.# 8403



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