
CalFresh Food Program

CalFresh is a program to improve the quality of life for Californians with a low income by providing access to healthy and nutritious foods. Over 3 million Californians now purchase food through CalFresh.

CalFresh can help you buy the nutritious food you need for good health.

Use CalFresh to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and more.

CalFresh is easy to use.
Each month CalFresh benefits are issued on an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card – like an ATM card.The EBT card can be used at most grocery stores, discount chains, farmers’ markets and neighborhood stores.

CalFresh is for everyone meeting the eligibility guidelines. Families, single adults, people with disabilities, homeless individuals and people age 60 or older may qualify

Receiving CalFresh will not hurt a person’s chances of becoming a citizen. It is not a welfare program and is not cash aid.

Find out if you might be eligible by calling OLE Patient Services at (707) 254-1777 or visit

CFO Newsletter May 2016 (2)

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