
Fire Update

OLE Health was on the front-lines of the tragic wildfires. OLE’s Physicians, Nurses, MA’s and Pharmacists (many of whom work and live in Napa/Sonoma County) cared for 693 patients the week of the fire, primarily at our main health center in Napa. OLE’s healthcare providers were dispatched to various evacuation centers providing medical services for evacuees every day of the disaster. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the fires and we are committed to supporting our community through the process of recovery.

OLE Health will resume normal operations this week on Monday 10/16 and Tuesday 10/17.


Below you will find our operating days for the week of 10/16 – 10/21







  • Pear Tree Lane – OPEN/ABIERTO
  • 1100 Trancas – OPEN/ABIERTO
  • St. Helena – OPEN/ABIERTO
  • Calistoga – OPEN/ABIERTO
  • County Campus – OPEN/ABIERTO
  • Fairfield – OPEN/ABIERTO

OLE Health is on the front-lines of this week’s tragic wildfires throughout our community. Our team of providers (many of whom work and live in Napa, Sonoma, and Solano County) have been dispatched to disaster recovery centers throughout Napa County and we are continuing to support local hospitals and county officials to provide services where we’re needed most.

Please consider donating to this effort, in any amount.

Donate here

We will continue to keep you updated as we work to help heal our community and provide services for those who continue to be affected by these tragic fires.

OLE Health está en primera línea durante los eventos trágicos de esta semana. Nuestro equipo de proveedores (muchos de los cual viven y trabajan en los condados de Napa, Sonoma, y Solano) han sido enviados a los centros de recuperación de desastres en todo el condado de Napa y seguimos apoyando a los hospitales locales y a los oficiales del condado para proveer servicios donde son más necesitados.

Por favor considere donar a este esfuerzo al

donar aquí

Continuaremos manteniéndolos informados mientras trabajamos para ayudar a nuestra comunidad y proporcionar servicios para aquellos que siguen siendo afectados por estos trágicos incendios.

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