
FREE Covered California Enrollment Assistance

It is time to renew all Covered California plans!

There are new plan options, rate changes, and new benefits. Informed consumers should speak with a Certified Enrollment Counselor to make sure you are getting the most out of your Covered California plan.

Please call 707.254.1777 to schedule an appointment with an enrollment counselor.

Open Enrollment is just underway. The Open Enrollment period is November 1, 2016 through January 31, 2017.

To learn more about available plans, and to enroll, call OLE Health’s Patient Services Department to schedule your appointment with a Certified Enrollment Counselor.

We are open Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm (extended hours and evenings will be available during open enrollment).

Call the OLE Health Patient Services Department at 707.254.1777 to schedule an appointment today.

Covered California
Inscripción Abierta 1 de noviembre del 2016-31 de enero del 2017
*si no ha renovado su plan haga una cita hoy! Asistencia de Inscripción GRATUITA

Para más información o para hacer una cita, por favor llame al departamento
de Servicio al Cliente de OLE Health al (707) 254-1777.

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