
Free Teen Heart Screening


INVITED: All teens and young adults ages 12 to 25 years are invited to participate in Via Heart Project’s heart screening event.

WHEN: Sunday, February 25,th, 2018, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

WHERE: Vintage High School, 1375 Trower Avenue, Napa, CA 94558

WHY: It is estimated 1 in 500 school-aged children suffer an undiagnosed heart defect, which can lead to sudden cardiac arrest and death. A typical annual physical does not screen for advanced heart abnormalities. This screening does not take the place of your annual or pre-participation sports physical.

WHAT: Screenings take 60-90 minutes (wait times may vary). A team of medical volunteers, including cardiologists, sonographers, and nurses from the Sacramento and Bay area, will conduct a health history questionnaire review, an EKG test, and if warranted, an echocardiogram. The entire process is non- invasive—no needles or x-ray exposure—and we ensure each teen’s confidentiality, privacy and individual modesty is respected throughout all aspects of the screening.

HOW: Your child must be registered online in advance. Please bring their completed health form and signed consent to the event. Please register and access forms at

Registration is now open and will be open until noon on February 23, 2018. Registration is limited to 750 students.

COST: Via Heart Project screenings are offered free of charge thanks to sponsors.
Consider paying it forward to allow Via to keep saving young lives. Just $25 helps them screen another teen. Donations may be made at the screening or during the online registration process.

To volunteer at the screening, please access our volunteer sign up link at

“Any parent who has lost a child to a preventable health issue knows the pain of wondering what could have been done before it was too late. By bringing heart screenings to our community we will find heart defects that may lead to sudden death.  If we can prevent even one family from having to go through that pain, then what we have done is worth it,” said Liz Lazar-Johnson, Executive Director of Via Heart Project.

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