
Giving Tuesday

#GivingTuesday is a day when people around the world come together to give back. This season of giving, please consider contributing to the health of our community. OLE Health provides a number of options for supporters to give to the organization including tribute gifts, planned giving, special events and more. All funds raised support our wide-range of programs and services aimed at keeping our communities healthy as well as funding exciting new opportunities for growth, expansion and partnership abilities for OLE Health.

If you are interested in donating to OLE Health, we would love to hear from you. Donations can be be made in the following ways:




Donations can be made to the OLE Health Foundation in any amount:DONATE NOW

Donate through the Napa Valley Give!Guide website:DONATE NOW


To donate by phone, please call Rachel Cusick: 707.266.5761

Contact OLE Health Foundation for more info:


OLE Health Foundation

1100 Trancas Street, Suite 300 Napa, CA 94558

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