
Let your voice be heard

The Republican Party in Washington D.C. has furtively moved forward with legislation to “Repeal and Replace” Obamacare/ACA, known as the American Health Care Act.

Sadly, the new version of the Republican bill does more to help insurance companies than it does to help patients including those right here in our community like seniors, immigrants and low-income families. Even worse, every Republican member of Congress from California voted to pass this bill.

Under this new version of the bill, states would be able to deny protecting people with preexisting conditions, which could impact patients receiving care that is currently available to them. The elimination of subsidies for low-income patients would also make private health insurance unaffordable for many patients.

This is a giant step backwards for healthcare access and we must continue to push back and ask our legislators to continue to support the Affordable Care Act.

The bill has collected enough votes in the House of Representative to pass and will now move on to the Senate to be considered. It is now more important than ever to tell our legislators to protect our patients, staff and organization by opposing this bill.

Take Action Now >>

We’ve stopped them before, and we can do it again. Find out who your congressperson is by typing your address in this link:

Once you’ve found out who your congressperson is, call the number listed on their profile, and let them know that you are calling to show your support for Obamacare/ACA. They might ask you for your name and address to confirm that you live in the district.

Here is a short script of what you can say, just read it directly when you speak to their offices or when you leave a message.

“Hello, I am a constituent of (Congressperson’s Name), and I am calling to show my support for the Affordable Care Act. I want to let (Congressperson’s Name) know that protecting the health of all Americans is important to me and that Trumpcare is not the solution we need. As a constituent of his/her district, I am against taking away access to healthcare for our most vulnerable communities, Thank you.”

And you’re done! Please share this information with family and friends you have across the state so that they may take action as well. If you’d like to see more information about the AHCA, visit this link.

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