
StopFalls Napa Valley

StopFalls Napa Valley is an organization working to to prevent falls among older adults in Napa Valley and support older adults to maintain strength, independence and quality of life.

Safe home environments, physical activity that maintains and strengthens balance and mobility, good nutrition and addressing health issues that may contribute to falls risk are important in supporting quality of life and reducing risks for falls. Falls risk assessment and early intervention programs can help seniors prevent falls and injuries.

OLE Health is participating in two events with StopFalls Napa Valley this month. Come and learn simple things you can do to prevent falls.

Fall Prevention Event
Friday, September 23
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Napa Senior Activity Center
1500 Jefferson St., Napa
Snacks will be provided
Videos / Exercise Demo / Give-aways

Come and learn simple things you can do to prevent falls.
Presenter: Starr Piner Member, Fall Prevention Coalition
Wednesday, September 28
11:00 am-1:00 pm
Rianda House
1475 Main St. St. Helena
A light lunch will be provided—must call to reserve

 A free service program sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging Serving Napa and Solano Counties, the Fall Prevention Coalition and Kaiser Permanente


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