Patient Stories

Krymylda’s Story

To say I generally don’t trust doctors would be an understatement but I trust my doctor at OLE Health. How could I not when she saved my life? Last summer I was feeling sick frequently but was panicked to wake up one day to terrifying symptoms. My legs were completely swollen to the point that I didn’t even recognize them anymore and I knew something was very wrong. I scrambled to try and get an appointment or be seen that day at OLE. A call center employee told me to just show up and my doctor would make time to see me. Frightened and not sure if I would simply be turned away, I showed up to wait for my doctor. As soon as I got there the staff saw that I looked very ill and acted immediately. They set up a room for me and took my blood sugar which was extremely high. The entire team there took care of me and monitored me for hours until I finally stabilized from what turned out to be a dangerous combination of high blood sugar and a severe reaction to a new medication.

That was a scary experience and I believe that if I didn’t go to OLE Health that day I could’ve died. Today my health has dramatically improved and I am thankful to have OLE Health so close by. My doctor at OLE is always easy to reach and even calls me on her own time just to check on me. Last time I updated my health insurance, I made sure to pick a plan that would be accepted at OLE Health because I love the quality of care I receive here. My family and I have been coming to OLE Health for a long time and plan to continue coming here for as long as we can.

-Krymylda, 53

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